1. The view from my living room window seat
2. Porch nights with my roommate 3. Starbucks mugs are actually cute here 4. Reading ridiculous Asian fashion magazines while eating raisin zhou on slow mornings with Talia 5. Sitting on the little blue square of foam at the front of the party bus because all the seats are gone 6. Christmas parties with brothers and sisters 7. Watching the building under construction across the way get higher and higher every month - how tall will it be in the end anyways? 8. The blind erhu players downtown 9. Watching people do random stuff on their roofs 10. The fabric market in all its craziness 11. The bright lights downtown 12. The skittles building 13. Crazy taxi rides with the windows rolled down on a hot summer night 14. Yummy street food in my neighborhood 15. Carlsberg drafts at the beer garden 16. How quiet the tea house is (most of the time) 17. Pork strips at Asijen Ramen 18. The graffiti art neighborhood near the arts school 19. The red sparkle hot pot restaurant 20. McDonald's chocolate sundays 21. Looking at the city lights from my roof 22. The fresh produce market across the street 23. The lack of other foreigners 24. Cameron and Ben, some of the most awesome little kids 25. The foster kids I get to play with 26. Headwashes are brilliant and cheap 27. Being able to bring my own DVD to watch at the pedicure place 28. Hong Ya Dong - especially the pirate ship and sitting outside at the bar in nice weather 29. Bowling 30. It makes me happy that they have an ice skating rink, but it is a horrible rink, so I'm conflicted on this 31. Oh my gosh, how could I have forgotten about it until number thirty-one?? I LOVE the flower market! 32. The little gang of neighborhood girls who have become my friends 33. The daily surprise of never knowing what interesting thing has appeared in the square over night... especially when a circus comes through 34. The old ladies dance club 35. One song dance parties in the elevator 36. Back room DVD sales 37. Playing Russian roulette with every bottle of red wine I buy 38. Watching fireworks hit the building next store 39. 奶奶们 40. Flying kites at the point 41. Buying fresh mangos, bananas, and apples at the fruit stand 42. Cheap massages Ok, so maybe I really can only think of 39 things, although I have been working on this list for five days. I will keep adding to it, though. I trust that eventually I will make fifty. ~Hannah
October 2018